Yes, it's already half-way through the month. Yes, normally you might stop by to read a reasonably upbeat post detailing my wins from the year prior and my hopes for the year ahead. Sorry. This year, well, this year things aren't much improved from last year's additional loss of vision and family upheaval. Goals? Ha! To twist a favorite pop culture reference: Goals? We don't need no stinkin' goals.
But, I do. That's just the kind of gal I am. The question becomes how to fit them into the ever-changing landscape of the too quickly passing weeks? Truly, that's the question for all of us, isn't it? And like with everything else, the only answer that seems realistic is we just do the best we can.
Did that hurt your planning-loving soul? Is your inner perfectionist starting to hyperventilate? Sigh. I hear you. But reality is what it is, and sometimes, it isn't very kind. So, for 2025, I've decided there isn't enough available energy to keep paddling against the current. It's all deep breaths and going with the flow here at Chez Munder. And, hopefully, the flow will steer me through the completion of a few works in process.
How has your New Year started?